Future Goals
September is getting closer and closer. I have so many things that I've been wanting to do since the beginning of the year. But, clearly, I haven't got round to doing them just quite yet! As my first year of university has come to an end, I have so much free time to do all the things I said I was going to do before essays and coursework got in the way. So, I wanted to share with you what I plan to achieve in the coming months:
Food has always held a special place in my heart, yet, I never really cook, something my mum will be very disappointed about. But, it may surprise my boyfriend and my flatmates that I do actually love to cook and eat the best food. So, one of my goals this month and for hopefully, a long time after that, is to improve my diet by cooking more often, for myself and for others!
As a student I spend a ridiculous amount of hours reading scientific journals and books for the benefit of my course. Soooo the amount I read for fun has seriously declined in the last year! As a kid I always had a passion for reading and I want to read more and more especially in the summer months!
I've always had a love-hate relationship with exercise and working out. But this year (at least the last half of it...) I am determined to get on a first name basis with fitness and hopefully feel a lot better for doing so!
As a person who has no real direction and has no idea what they want to do in the future, I really should decide on something that I want to do with my life! Everyone always says that you should have a '5 year plan' and I think it's finally time to make my own!
Love, Molly
Love, Molly
Loved this post, I really like setting goals for myself too so this reminded me to keep at everything! Enjoy your summer :)